“This morning as I was getting ready, I was thinking about the weekend and trying to describe it and I remembered an old hymn. The words go like this, maybe you know it.
“I can really testify to how true, gracious and compassionate our
Father is. This was my 3rd WTC weekend I have attended. I really
thought I was just going to have a weekend of just Praise and Worship.
But the Lord had other plans for me. I had some more “work’ that had
to be done.
The Spirit took me far far back to my toddler days where wounds had
taken place and they were keeping me bondage. But praise His Holy
Name, the Lord knew I was ready to face them all with Him as my guide
and healer.
Phil 1:6 is the proof that I am “WORK IN PROGRESS”.
Thank you Lord for WTC that was able and willing to be Your instrument to really reach deep into my soul.”
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